The world's most popular porn search terms in 2017, according to Pornhub (NSFW) Ah, Pornhub. Don't pretend like you've never paid this popular porn destination (the largest in the world, in fact) a visit because, according to the site's annual "Year in Review" data, roughly 28.5 billion visitors (about 81 million per day) found their way to its cache of X-rated videos last year. And that's not the only interesting statistic to come out of 2017's search data. The fidget spinner craze caused a serious spike in porn searches; ASMR (in which people whisper softly into microphones) porn is apparently a thing for which people look; and the popularity of hentai porn (we don't recommend Googling that at work) grew by leaps and bounds, taking the No.2 overall spot. Other results are slightly less surprising: "lesbian," "milf," and "step sister" all cracked the top 10. Here's a look at some of the other global statistics: [RELATED1]
As for American preferences in particular:
For Pornhub's comprehensive "Year in Review" data, you can check out its insights page here. (Don't worry, it's almost SFW.) [RELATED2] Fitness via Men's Fitness January 12, 2018 at 01:09PM
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