What are the signs of ketosis?
https://ift.tt/2PsKDCb People who follow the ketogenic diet eat a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet to induce a bodily process called ketosis. There are several signs of ketosis that can indicate whether or not the diet is working. Learn more here. Weight Loss via Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News From Medical News Today https://ift.tt/O45xlc October 31, 2018 at 02:55PM
Letter from the Editor: Trek or treat?
https://ift.tt/2P2TRFu Attending medical conferences and hiking for charity, the MNT editorial team really has been busy this month! Managing Editor Honor Whiteman reveals more. Weight Loss via Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News From Medical News Today https://ift.tt/O45xlc October 31, 2018 at 12:55PM
7 Drinks You Can Enjoy on the Keto Diet
https://ift.tt/2PvX6op The ketogenic diet is all about achieving ketosis, a metabolic state that burns fat for fuel, instead of carbohydrates or protein. To remain in that heightened fat-torching state, you need to limit your carb intake to 5-10% of your total calories. For most women, that translates to about 25-40 grams of carbs per day (about the amount in a single English muffin, or one glass of fruit juice)—which is why followers of the diet need to be so careful not only about what they eat, but what they drink too. To help you choose your sips wisely, here's a list of seven keto-friendly drinks that'll make it a little easier to meet your carb cap. Water with lemon or limeStill or sparking zero-calorie, zero-carb water is always going to be a dieter’s best choice. But go ahead and add a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime to your glass. The sour juices have a negligible amounts of carbs. What’s more, drinking water before meals has been shown to be an effective way to help curb appetite. Diet soda and other diet beveragesMost diet sodas and beverages sweetened with sugar substitutes have zero grams of carbs. Some keto purists may claim sugar subs are not actually keto-friendly, because they believe the sweet stuff increases cravings for carbs. But there is no evidence to suggest using carb-free sugar substitutes will interfere with your weight-loss efforts. (What's more, many packaged keto snacks and foods made with carb-free sweeteners actually make it easier to stick to a keto lifestyle longer, so you can lose weight and keep it off.) When selecting a diet drink, check the Nutrition Facts panel to make sure it contains less than 5 grams total sugars or 20 calories from carbs. Of course, you’ll need to count any carbohydrates in these beverages against your allotted daily carb budget. Keep in mind that as a general rule, diet beverages that are clear have fewer questionable ingredients. There are also diet beverages, like Zevia, that are sweetened with all-natural stevia. RELATED: 9 Fruits You Can Actually Eat on the Keto Diet Coffee and tea (with cream, coconut oil, or butter)If you like a dollop of butter whipped into your morning cup of Joe, you’ll be happy to learn that bulletproof coffee is indeed keto-friendly. When you blend fat like butter or coconut oil or heavy cream into your coffee or tea, you're not adding carbs. If you prefer a more traditional cup of coffee or tea, you’ll need to drink it either plain (or with sugar substitutes) and with very little milk since milk contributes some carbs. Cow’s milkOn the keto diet you can drink some milk without disrupting ketosis. A ½ cup of milk has 6 grams of carbs (24 calories) while providing plenty of protein (4 grams), and much-needed nutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin D. RELATED: 5 Supplements You Should Take If You're on the Keto Diet Almond milkUnsweetened almond milk has around 30 calories per 8-ounce serving and no sugar, making it a great option for those following a keto lifestyle. Look for brands that are fortified with calcium and vitamins A and D. Keto smoothiesWhile many smoothies are super sugary thanks to the fruit and milk base, a quick Google search of “keto smoothie” or “low-carb smoothie” will return millions of recipes. The best way to keep carbs low and taste and satisfaction high is to make your smoothie base with fats like nut butters, avocado, or coconut oil. Then add in some low-carb veggies like leafy greens, cucumbers, celery or beets, and smaller amounts of fruits like berries, apples or pears. If you need liquid, use ice, water or unsweetened almond milk. To get more weight-loss tips in your inbox, sign up for the HEALTH newsletter
Weight Loss via Weight Loss - Health.com https://ift.tt/2um58Un October 31, 2018 at 11:22AM
'Natural protein' could reverse obesity-related diabetes, fatty liver
https://ift.tt/2SthCEW ![]() Scientists from Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C., found that raising production of the protein caused obese mice to reduce the amount of fat in their bodies even though they were genetically engineered to overeat. They did this by increasing expression of the protein's associated gene. In a paper on their work that now appears in the journal Scientific Reports, the authors describe how fibroblast growth factor binding protein 3 (FGFBP3, or BP3), "modulates fat and glucose metabolism in mouse models of metabolic syndrome." "We found," says senior study author Anton Wellstein, who is a professor of oncology and pharmacology at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, "that eight BP3 treatments over 18 days [were] enough to reduce the fat in obese mice by over a third." Other conditions linked to obesity were also reduced. The animals' excessive levels of blood sugar — a hallmark of diabetes known as hyperglycemia — fell, and their livers, which had been fatty, lost their fat. The researchers note that because BP3 occurs naturally in the body, therapies based on it would not have to undergo the same lengthy testing as drugs based on synthetic compounds. Clinical trials using the human equivalent could start straight after the conclusion of preclinical studies, explain the authors. Therapies based on BP3 could also have the advantage of minimal, if any, unwanted side effects; the investigators found none in the treated mice, even when they examined their tissues under a microscope. Obesity and related conditionsThe World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that obesity rates have almost tripled worldwide since 1975. Estimates for 2016 reveal that a third of adults (1.9 billion) are overweight and that of these, 650 million have obesity. There is a similar pattern of rising obesity in children. In 1975, around 4 percent of those aged 5–19 were overweight or obese, compared with 18 percent in 2016. Obesity — especially abdominal obesity — is one of the risk factors that make up metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of developing health problems and diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (fatty liver). Abdominal obesity, or having a large waistline, is an indicator of too much fat around the stomach, which raises heart risk more than carrying too much fat in the rest of the body, including the hips. As metabolic syndrome increases in line with obesity, experts predict that it will supplant smoking as the primary risk factor for heart disease. BP3 is a 'chaperone protein'BP3 belongs to a family of "chaperone" proteins that enhance the activity of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) by binding to them. FGFs are present in many species, where they help control vital biological processes ranging from cell growth to tissue repair. Prof. Wellstein has been investigating the role of BP3 for some time. Increased production of BP3 occurs in some types of cancer, so he and his team decided to take a closer look at it. They discovered that BP3 attaches to three FGFs whose signaling feature in cell metabolism. Two of the FGFs help regulate the use and storage of sugars and fats. The third FGF regulates the use of phosphate. Prof. Wellstein says that increasing BP3 helps increase the signaling of these FGFs, making the protein "a strong driver of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism." "It's like having a lot more taxis available in New York City to pick up all the people who need a ride," he adds.
Weight Loss via Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News From Medical News Today https://ift.tt/O45xlc October 30, 2018 at 01:14PM
5 Ways to Have a Healthier Thanksgiving
https://ift.tt/2RuFuXF Take control of the day and jump-start your motivation for a healthy and active holiday season—one where you lose, not gain! Weight Loss via Weight Loss - Health.com https://ift.tt/2um58Un October 30, 2018 at 12:44PM This Woman Says the Keto Diet Destroyed Her 17-Year Marriageand Now Her Story Is Going Viral10/29/2018
This Woman Says the Keto Diet Destroyed Her 17-Year Marriage—and Now Her Story Is Going Viral
https://ift.tt/2OWx3Yi The keto diet has taken heat for many things—some don't believe the high-fat, low-carb diet is healthy, others say it doesn't work. But can keto cause the demise of a relationship? Apparently yes, according to one Reddit user. “I'm wondering if anyone has experienced losing your marriage cause of weight loss?” user Bertiebugg recently posted on Reddit. “I never realized that by losing weight my husband of almost 17 years would tell me that he's no longer attracted to me.” RELATED: 15 Things Nobody Tells You About Losing Weight Hold. The. Phone. Anyone who thinks that their partner’s appearance is the glue that holds their relationship together has some serious issues. This woman was trying to save herself from the health problems that can stem from carrying too much body weight, and we applaud her for that. Bertiebugg went on to explain she’s “far from small” at her current weight. Before she took action and went on the keto diet, she weighed over 300 pounds. Now, she’s down to about 250 and her goal is to get near 200, she wrote. Though Bertiebugg doesn’t see herself as slim, she says parts of her body have changed. Some things have firmed up and others have loosened, which is what her husband doesn’t like. RELATED: The Number One Thing You Need to Do to Lose Weight Forever, According to Experts “He says that I've lost my butt (which I didn't have one in the first place), that my thighs are firmer on the outside and saggy on the inside (which is true but they always have been), and I've lost a good amount of my breasts,” she wrote. Details aside, Bertiebugg said she was completely blindsided. “I never pegged him for a person who would leave me because of my weight loss. I'm in total shock, as he doesn't have a perfect body. I don't know how he could say all of this to me if he ever really loved me for me.” We can’t believe it either, and other Reddit users seemed to agree. They immediately jumped to her defense. “Any time you decide to make big changes in life, whether it be lose weight, start a business, etc, there will always be those who support you regardless and those who view your success as a detriment to themselves and insecurity creeps in,” one user wrote. RELATED: The 50 Best Weight Loss Foods of All Time Another also said the problem is likely about his own self-confidence struggles. “His issue is NOT about your lack of butt. You are changing and trying to find your best self. He most likely is threatened by that.” Others said she’ll be better off without him in her life. “If he decides that you aren't what he wants because you are gaining better health and are taking major steps to better yourself, then I would count it as a step in the right direction. You can't force someone to love you but you can definitely love yourself when others won't,” one user wrote. Above all, everyone could agree Bertiebugg should be damn proud of her weight-loss progress. “Honey, you've done great, you lost 75 pounds, that's incredibly healthier and your doctors must be THRILLED. YOU have every right to be THRILLED,” one user said. It turns out that having a relationship sour because of a diet isn't unusual. In 2013, researchers at North Carolina State conducted a study on how weight loss can affect relationships. They found that while dropping 60 pounds or more in two years or less usually improved a couple's relationship, sometimes the partner of the dieter felt jealous or threatened. RELATED: This Influencer Looks Like She Lost Weight After 2 Years of Training—but the Scale Stayed the Same Gail Saltz, MD, Health contributing psychology editor, previously said that one person's physical transformation may force their partner to consider his or her own health choices, which could be unsettling for them. Your partner may also worry about how your personality might change. “You feeling great, sexy, or confident could shift the balance of the relationship,” Dr. Saltz says. “They fear losing the identity of the more confident one or losing the upper hand.” Ding, ding, ding, it sounds like some of those commenters were right. Bertiebugg’s husband is likely having issues because of his own insecurities, and he’s taking that out on her. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, have a calm conversation with your partner about why they might be reacting to your progress in such a negative way. No one should have to put up with that kind of treatment, and helping your partner understand their own feelings could ease the tension. To get our top stories delivered to your inbox, sign up for the Healthy Living newsletter Weight Loss via Weight Loss - Health.com https://ift.tt/2um58Un October 29, 2018 at 04:40PM
5 Supplements You Should Take If You're on the Keto Diet
https://ift.tt/2Sms0hM Following the ketogenic diet means sticking to a high-fat, moderate-protein, low-carb meal plan. What's the purpose? Eating this way puts your body in a state of ketosis, so you burn fat rather than sugar for energy. Though it wasn't developed as a weight-loss plan, that's what keto has become, with hordes of devotees dedicated to obtaining most of their calories from fat and protein and limiting themselves to less than 50 grams of carbs a day. While fans rave about the pounds they've shed, health experts say there are some potential drawbacks to the keto diet, such as a loss of muscle mass, diarrhea, and a condition dubbed the keto flu. RELATED: 7 Dangers of Going Keto Another downside to keto is that you could become deficient in some crucial nutrients that are typically found in foods banned or restricted under keto guidelines. If you follow keto or are thinking about trying it, nutritionists say you should consider taking these five supplements to make up for the nutrients you might miss. MagnesiumMany high-magnesium foods, like whole grains, bananas, and beans, are not keto-friendly because they contain too many carbs per serving, explains Seattle-based nutritionist Ginger Hultin, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Magnesium is a mineral that's important for many cellular functions and helps regulate nerves, muscles, and the immune system," Hultin says. It also plays a role in building strong bones, maintaining blood sugar levels, and keeping your heartbeat steady. "It is critical for the body to make protein, bone, and DNA, too,” she adds. Keto devotees can try to meet their recommended intake of magnesium (310 to 320 mg, depending on your age) by consuming keto-approved, magnesium-rich foods like spinach, broccoli, kale, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. But taking a magnesium supplement can make sure you cover your bases. “Talk to your doctor about possible supplementation but be sure not to exceed the recommendations, as too much magnesium can cause diarrhea,” says Hultin. To buy: NOW Magnesium 400mg ($9; amazon.com) RELATED: 6 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds CalciumMany milk and dairy products don't work on the keto diet because of their carbohydrate levels—think whole milk or flavored yogurts, both of which have 12 grams of carbs per serving. (Remember, keto followers are advised to limit carb intake to under 50 mg daily.) By largely limiting or avoiding milk products, you also limit your intake of calcium. Depending on your age, women should take in 1,000 to 1,300 mg of calcium daily. “Calcium is a mineral that helps maintain bone health but also supports muscle and nerve communication," says Hultin. "It helps the cardiovascular system and supports the release of hormones." Other foods with optimum levels of calcium that are excluded or limited on keto include fortified orange juice and tofu. “The good news is that you can get calcium from sardines with bones, salmon with bones, kale, and broccoli,” she says. Yet if you find it hard to eat so many leafy greens or you dislike fish, that's where a calcium supplement comes in. “Talk to your doctor about how much calcium you may need to supplement with based on your diet and your needs,” she advises. To buy: Nature Made Calcium ($12; amazon.com) IronThink of iron as the fuel that allows every cell in your system to function properly. “Iron is a mineral the body needs to make hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body," says Hultin. Without the 18 mg of iron recommended daily for non-pregnant women between ages 18 and 50, you'll feel lethargic and weak, and your skin may appear paler. Many keto-approved foods contain excellent amounts of iron, says Hultin, such as beef, some fish, and oysters. However, other solid iron sources are restricted or excluded from the keto diet, like fortified breakfast cereals, lentils, tofu, and beans, she says. Getting adequate iron is even more challenging if you are a vegetarian or vegan on keto, since you can't consume animal products. Leafy greens, like kale and spinach, are good plant sources of iron, but the type of iron they contain is not easily absorbed by the body. To ensure that you're getting the right amount, a daily iron supplement is a smart idea. Make sure you try to meet your needs through the diet, and check with your doctor if you may need supplementation,” says Hultin. To buy: Garden of Life Iron Complex ($11; amazon.com) RELATED: 4 Things You Need to Know Before Trying the Keto Diet Vitamin DGetting sufficient amounts of vitamin D is hard even if you're not on keto. The sunshine vitamin is made by the body when skin is exposed to the sun—and direct sun exposure is something many people try to avoid to lower the risk of skin damage and skin cancer. Though vitamin D is also found in some foods—such as milk, orange juice, and cereal—these items are limited under keto because of their high carb counts. But vitamin D is essential. “Vitamin D is necessary for bone health, and being deficient for a long period of time can lead to the development of brittle bones and fractures,” says New York City nutritionist Natalie Rizzo, RD. It gives you energy, powers your immune system, and may even help ward off depression. To get your recommended daily intake (600 IUs), you could turn to keto-approved fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, or up your intake of eggs—a keto favorite thanks to the high-fat yolk. But with so few food options, a daily vitamin D supplement can come in handy. Check with your physician for the right amount based on your needs. To buy: Nature Made Vitamin D3 2000 IU Softgels ($22; amazon.com) FiberYou need fiber to keep your GI tract running smooth and to avoid digestive buzzkills like constipation. But most sources of fiber come from carbohydrate-rich bread, grains, fruits, and vegetables, and these are not keto-friendly. “Since these foods are limited on the keto diet, so is your intake of fiber,” explains Rizzo. When you lack fiber, it opens the door to other health risks too, such as obesity, heart disease, and a higher risk of developing colon cancer, she says. “Because you can eat some carbs on keto, you should opt for fiber-rich veggies, such as broccoli and cauliflower,” she advises. But since it would be tough to fill your entire diet with these day after day, a daily fiber supplement could be a big help. Rizzo suggests talking to your doctor about the best one for you and how much to take. You don't consume too much and end up with loose stools or diarrhea, she warns. To buy: Metamucil Multi-Health Psyllium Fiber Supplement ($28; amazon.com) To get our top stories delivered to your inbox, sign up for the Healthy Living newsletter Weight Loss via Weight Loss - Health.com https://ift.tt/2um58Un October 26, 2018 at 05:57PM
Low-carb foods for vegetarians and vegans
https://ift.tt/2JgOxbt Low-carb diet plans often involve a lot of meat. However, there are plenty of low-carb options for vegetarian and vegan people. Learn more here. Weight Loss via Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News From Medical News Today https://ift.tt/O45xlc October 26, 2018 at 11:12AM
How much should I weigh? Ways of measuring
https://ift.tt/2PXm1hC These include age, muscle-fat ratio, height, sex, and body fat distribution, or body shape. Having excess weight can affect a person's risk of developing a number of health conditions, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular problems. Not everyone who carries extra weight develops health problems. However, researchers believe that while these extra pounds might not currently impact a person' s health, a lack of management could lead to problems in the future. Read on to find out about four ways of working out your ideal weight. Method 1: Body mass index (BMI)![]() Body mass index (BMI) is a common tool for deciding whether a person has an appropriate body weight. It measures a person's weight in relation to their height. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH):
Calculate your BMITo calculate your BMI, you can use our BMI calculators or review our charts below. 2) Imperial BMI CalculatorWeight and height guide chartThe following weight and height chart uses BMI tables from the National Institute of Health to determine how much a person's weight should be for their height.
What is the problem with BMI?BMI is a very simple measurement. While it takes height into consideration, it does not account for factors such as:
These, too, can have an impact on health. High-performance athletes, for example, tend to be very fit and have little body fat. They can have a high BMI because they have more muscle mass, but this does not mean they are overweight. BMI can also offer a rough idea of whether or not a person's weight is healthy, and it is useful for measuring trends in population studies. However, it should not be the only measure for an individual to assess whether their weight is ideal or not. Method 2: Waist-hip ratio (WHR)![]() A person's waist-hip measurement compares their waist size with that of their hips. Research has shown that people who have more body fat around their middle are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes. The higher the waist measurement in proportion to the hips, the greater the risk. For this reason, the waist-hip ratio (WHR) is a useful tool for calculating whether a person has a healthy weight and size. Measure your waist-hip ratio1. Measure around the waist in the narrowest part, usually just above the belly button. 2. Divide this measurement by the measurement around your hip at its widest part. If a person's waist is 28 inches and their hips are 36 inches, they will divide 28 by 36. This will give them 0.77. What does it mean?How WHR affects the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is different for men and women, because they tend to have different body shapes. Evidence suggests that WHR can impact the risk of CVD as follows: In males
In females
However, these figures can vary, depending on the source and the population to which they apply. WHR may be a better predictor of heart attacks and other health risks than BMI, which does not take fat distribution into consideration. A study of health records for 1,349 people in 11 countries, published in 2013, showed that those with a higher WHR also have a greater risk of medical and surgical complications relating to colorectal surgery. However, WHR does not accurately measure a person's total body fat percentage, or their muscle-to-fat ratio. Method 3: Waist-to-height ratioWaist-to-height ratio (WtHR) is another tool that might predict the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and overall mortality more effectively than BMI. A person whose waist measurement is less than half their height has a lower risk of a number of life-threatening health complications. Measure your waist-to-height ratio![]() To calculate the WtHR, a person should divide their waist size by their height. If the answer is 0.5 or less, the chances are that they have a healthy weight.
These measurements will give a WtHR of just under 0.5. In a study published in 2014 in Plos One, researchers concluded that WtHR was a better predictor of mortality than BMI. The authors also cited findings from another study — involving statistics for around 300,000 people from different ethnic groups — which concluded that WHtR is better than BMI at predicting heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and hypertension. This suggests that the WHtR could be a useful screening tool. Measurements that take waist size into account can be good indicators of a person's health risks because fat that collects around the middle can be harmful for the heart, kidneys, and liver. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) note that a man with a waist size of 40 inches or above, or a woman with a waist size of 35 inches or above has a higher risk than other people of: This does not, however, take a person's height or hip size into consideration. Method 4: Body fat percentageBody fat percentage is the weight of a person's fat divided by their total weight. Total body fat includes essential and storage fat. Essential fat: A person needs essential fat to survive. It plays a role in a wide range of bodily functions. For men, it is healthy to have 2 to 4 percent of their body composition as essential fat. For women, the figure is 10 to 13 percent, according to the American Council on Exercise (ACE). Storage fat: Fatty tissue protects the internal organs in the chest and abdomen, and the body can use it if necessary for energy. Apart from the approximate guidelines for men and women, the ideal total fat percentage can depend on a person's body type or activity level. ACE recommend the following percentages:
A high proportion of body fat can indicate a greater risk of:
Calculating body fat percentage may be a good way to measure a person's fitness level because it reflects the person's body composition. BMI, in contrast, does not distinguish between fat and muscle mass. How to measure body fat![]() The most common ways of measuring body fat percentage is to use a skinfold measurement, which uses special calipers to pinch the skin. The health professional will measure tissue on the thigh, abdomen, chest (for men) or upper arm (for women). The techniques provide an accurate reading within around 3.5 percent, according to ACE. Other techniques include:
None of these can give a 100-percent accurate reading, but the estimates are close enough to give a reasonable assessment. Many gyms and doctor's offices have devices for measuring a person's body fat percentage. VideoIn this video by What Matters Nutrition, David Brewer, a registered dietician, takes a look at the question of ideal weight, discussing many of the points raised above. TakeawayBody mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to-height ratio (WtHR), and body-fat percentage are four ways of assessing a healthy weight. Combining them may be the best way to get an accurate idea of whether you should consider taking action or not. Anyone who is concerned about their weight, waist size, or body composition should speak to a doctor or nutritionist. They will be able to advise about suitable options. Q:Does it matter if a person if overweight, as long as they are healthy and comfortable? A:It is important to remember that there is a link between being overweight and a higher risk of many chronic diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome. Additionally, carrying extra weight can be tough on the skeletal system and joints, and it can result in changes in motor function and postural control. This may be because having extra body weight can reduce muscular strength and endurance, distort a person’s posture, and cause discomfort with normal body movements. For young people excess weight during the growth development stages can contribute to unusual motor patterning. This can remain into adulthood. Daniel Bubnis, MS, NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS Answers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.Weight Loss via Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News From Medical News Today https://ift.tt/O45xlc October 26, 2018 at 04:11AM
Should you fast before a cholesterol test?
https://ift.tt/2D54NvU Fasting before taking a cholesterol test used to be standard practice. Now, some doctors recommend that people do not fast before taking the test. Here, learn more about when people should fast before a cholesterol test, how long to fast for, and what the test results mean. Weight Loss via Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News From Medical News Today https://ift.tt/O45xlc October 25, 2018 at 08:08AM |
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